5. Ravenstone R-Lightning Isis Bred to Woodmont Tundra Xpression- due April 11/25

10. Gimlet Rebel Whimsy Bred to Delavoye Heros Phenom. Due June 6/25

We are expecting 10 purebred canadian foals in 2025 and 1 QH cross Canadian foal. The mares in this Album are confirmed in foal to the stallion they were bred to. We are looking forward to foaling season and to seeing healthy mommas and healthy babies out enjoying the spring grass.
At this time we do not take "in utero" reservations. All of the colts will be available as well as Ziva, Hayakaze, and Chica's foals regardless of gender. If the other mares have fillies, we will be holding them for a few months until we decide which fillies best fit the future of our program. At that time, the other fillies will be offered for sale. If a colt or filly is reserved prior to one month of age, you (the buyer) can even choose their registered name!
All of our foals receive good basic handling. They learn to lead and stand for grooming, and for hoof trimming. They learn to come in and out of the barn, and load and unload from the trailer. They learn to go for short walks by themselves and return to their herd. We do our best to raise healthy, friendly, well adjusted foals who like people and who are well socialized with other horses. The foals (and their mommas) spend the spring/summer out on big pastures in a big herd. They learn to live with varied weather and different types of terrain, and all the while, they are learning to be horses and live peacefully within the herd. The foals receive age appropriate deworming, hoof trims and vaccinations while they are in our care.

Here are the mares who are expecting 2025 foals as well as a few pictures of the stallions who sired those foals. 

9. Canadream Rubi A-Lucky-Day Bred to Lambert Lambert Taj*Mahal. Due May 18/25

11. Lambert Lambert Willow Bred to Litjens Sanday Envy. Due June 23/25

6. LDR Poncho Twilight Bred to Lambert Lambert Taj*Mahal. Due April 19/25

4. Courage Amaro Hayakaze Bred to Woodmont U-Guinness Celtic- Due April 2025 (This foal will be available

1. Cascades Gap Penny Bred to Woodmont Tundra Xpression- Due Mar 23/25

2. Reindance Amaro Halo Bred to Vanroyal Dokai Jackfrost- Due March 28/25

8. Chica- QH mare Bred to Woodmont U-Guinness Celtic. Due May 2025 (This foal will be available)

7. Pineview Alf Liberty Bred to Lambert Lambert Taj*Mahal. Due April 27/25

3. Soul Ridge Taboo Ziva Bred to Woodmont U-Guinness Celtic- Due April 2025- This foal will be available