Vanroyal Nickels Lilac- For Sale

Black filly with star born April 15th, 2024

Sire: Waitnsee Colbert Nickels

Dam: Vanroyal Desperado Isabella

Height: expected to mature 14.2hh

Temperament: Lilac is a sweet natured, personable and friendly filly. She is well handled with good basics. She comes to the gate to be haltered, leads, ties, loads, trailers, trims, comes in and out of the barn, stands for grooming... all with ease.

Lilac is blessed with a very pretty head and neck and will make someone a versatile riding or driving horse in a smaller package.

located in Prince George, BC


Smart Lil Jersey- registered Canadian/QH- For Sale

Bay filly with a large star. Born July 16th, 2022

Sire: Smart Dealin Lena (QH)

Dam: Prouten Faquyr Gaia (Canadian)

Height: expected to mature about 15hh.

This is a beautifully put together filly who combines the good traits of both of her parents. She is athletic and agile with a good amount of substance and bone and a pretty face. Jersey is friendly and easy to halter. She leads and ties and stands for grooming and hoof trims. She is intelligent, learns fast and also is a little bit sassy. I think she is going to love working cows! Other than those basics, she has spent her life growing up in the herd in a big pasture. Update: December 2024. Lightly started under saddle (about 12 rides). mostly walk/trot so far and a couple days with lope as well. No sign of buck, bolt, or rear on the lunge or ridden. Good confidence with a rider on her back. She is a little on the stingy/flinchy/spooky side with environmental stimulus in the indoor arena. The next thing I would do with her training is a bunch of outdoor miles in the real world. Nice balanced gaits to ride and loads of athletic potential.

$6000 located in prince george, BC

Soul Ridge Espresso Kymber- For Sale

(Registered 3/4 Canadian 1/4 welsh)

Striking chestnut/flaxen filly with a cute stripe and sock.

DOB: April 29th, 2023

Sire: Litjens Pluton Espresso (14.3hh)

Dam: Moe (12.2hh welsh/canadian)

Height: expected to mature 13.2hh

Temperament: Lovely sensible nature. She is friendly, brave, responsive, willing, and not bothered by much. Well handled: leads and ties well, loads in the trailer, stands for grooming, and well behaved for hoof trims. Easy to halter out in the field. Kymber is up to date on hoof trims, deworming, and 5 way vaccines

$3500 located in Prince George, BC.

Soul Ridge Xpression Hayzel (SOLD)

DOB: June 2/2020 (coming 5 years old)

Height: 15.1hh (could mature up to 15.2hh)

Sire: Woodmont Tundra Xpression (16.2hh)

Dam: Garoy Palmer Belle (15.2hh)

Hayzel is a stunning black mare with a star.  She has correct conformation and good feet.  She also has a lovely temperament and is friendly, kind, willingly, sensible, and is not prone to being spooky or reactive. Under saddle, she is a pretty happy medium between go and whoa, with a little more go vs whoa.

Hayzel is well trained under saddle with both arena skills and extensive trail miles.  She was started April 2024 and spent a couple months in the arena.  She then spent the season trail riding, seeing the sights and gaining life experience.  She quickly became a very good trail horse and will go through, over, or around pretty much anything you point her at.  Crosses bridges, water, brush, mud all with ease.  Hayzel is a good lead horse out trail riding and keeps a good forward walk pace while still negotiating obstacles and terrain in a calm and sensible fashion.  She also will ride in the back of a group or the middle and rides out great by herself.  She is very comfortable riding out with dogs and has been good with the “local” traffic and quads that we have seen.  Hayzel has plenty of stamina for long rides and doesn’t waste energy with jigging or excitement.

Hayzel has been back riding in the arena now for a few months.  She is solid walk/trot/canter with responsive transitions and good rhythm.  Hayzel is getting pretty consistent with her bend and flexion and moves off leg willingly.  Her spin and roll back are coming along nicely and she backs up well.  Hayzel also stands still nicely for mounting and dismounting and is happy to stand and chill while you chat with a friend, etc.  She is comfortable to ride and wants to be responsive and soft off leg and rein.

Hayzel has minimal experience doing cowboy challenge obstacles but is very willing, sensible and brave. This activity could certainly be developed.

I would say, Hayzel is a bit more of an “English moving” horse, but shows enough versatility for both English disciplines and Western events.  Hayzel has never offered to buck/bolt/rear and is not spooky.  She is fine to saddle up and get on and is sensible and calm in new places.

Hayzel is available for sale to an approved home with someone who will carry on with her riding/training. She also has potential as a broodmare with her good looks, conformation and temperament.  Hayzel has very good ground manners, is good for the farrier, and loads and trailers great by herself or with company.  She is used to living in a herd (lower on the pecking order) and also hangs out in a paddock by herself with out issue if necessary.   No known injuries or health/soundness issues.  Up to date on 5-way vaccines, de-worming and farrier.  Located in Prince George, BC. 

Well Trained Riding Mares for Sale

2023 Yearling Fillies for Sale

2024 Weanling Fillies for Sale

2022 Two Year Old Fillies For Sale

Courage Celtic Kwin

Black filly born Feb 24/23

Dam: Canadian Farm Jerrycho Mary

Sire: Woodmont U-Guinness Celtic

Height: currently about 15hh. expected to mature 15.3-16hh

Temperament: bold, outgoing, personable, friendly, with a little pep.

Update: Kwin is lightly started under saddle. Approximately 12 short rides mostly walk trot. Also canters willingly. She does not tend to be spooky or reactive, however, she is a bit of an alpha type and will do best with a consistent and fair leader. Kwin is halter broke and super easy to put a halter on out in the field. She leads and ties well, enjoys grooming, and is well behaved for her hoof trims This beautiful girl has presence and will stand out in a crowd! And she will also be your best buddy with her social, friendly nature. With her light, fluid and athletic movement, Kwin is built for dressage, jumping, eventing, working equitation, and also has the brains for trail and mountain riding. Kwin is up to date on vaccinations, deworming and hoof trims. No known injuries or ailments. clean legs located in Prince George, BC $7000